Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Modular Window Setup - PC-DMIS Layout

Anthony Fotion 8 år siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS opdateret af Julian 4 år siden 4

Hey everyone,

I didn't find anything listed about this so I figured I would put it up. I use 2-3 monitors at a time when using PC-DMIS. I would like the ability to be able to place different parts of PC-DMIS on different monitors when programming and working.

Examples would be:

-Live view on separate monitor

-Report Window on separate monitor

-Edit Window on separate monitor

-CAD View on separate monitor

-Measurement tools in your own locations

-The ability to have that layout,  the size and locations of windows saved for when PC-DMIS is opened next.

Essentially a user could make their PC-DMIS interface setup how they want it when using it whether they use 1,2 or 3 monitors, they could utilize all of them if given the chance.

This sounds like it would be a hard task to change this, but I know it would make a lot of users happy. I think it would be an opportunity to keep some things loaded separately though when loading PC-DMIS and fix certain crashes when too many things are open that are not in use. This would allow users to have only the tools needed for their job open while efficiently switching from task to task and checking their work at the same time without having to find an open window somewhere while utilizing more desktop space for users who like to see more at once.


Integrated PC-DMIS QDAS converter

Simon Prodan 8 år siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS opdateret af neil kay 5 år siden 3

It would be nice to have PC-DMIS QDAS converter integrated inside PC DMIS, with intuitive K-Fields set-up menu and possibility to export all PC DMIS Dimension functionalities to .DFQ files


Ability to manage all reports

Zeljko 8 år siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS opdateret af neil kay 5 år siden 5

If i have to measure 10 same parts, it will be great if there is ability to edit reports from 1 to 10, even if i executed program for each. For now, it's only "View last execute report mode"


Add a length and width spacer option for auto planes

bman 8 år siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS opdateret af neil kay 5 år siden 1

Currently PC-DMIS has a square spacer that can be set for auto planes. It would be nice if we could specify the length and width of the spacer


Vision - Possibility to use live view like a projector by using 2D dxf Contour shown in Live Image

daniel schroepfer 9 måneder siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

When measuring with the optics, it should be possible to superimpose an overlay on the live image.

Similar to a wireframe model or a DXF contour, the lines of the nominal geometries should lie over the camera image.

This allows the operator to visually compare the actual and nominal contours, just like with a projector. Furthermore, the customer wishes to carry out manual measurements in the live view between the nominal and actual contour. Such as distances, angles etc.


Have the clearance cube wrap around the form of the part instead of a cube that has deadspace in it

Richmond 9 måneder siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

This would save lots of time for some parts. Think of it like the shield from the Dune movies. The clearcube should form around the part


autocalibrate probes within a single routine based on last calibrated date

Stephan Manley 1 år siden i Metrology Software / PC-DMIS opdateret af Patrick Gendron 1 år siden 1

I'm looking to have an auto calibrate command for all probes/tips within a single routine that have been calibrated outside a specified range. With this, it would also be nice to have a way to see all used probes and tips within the routine without having to go into each probe individually and select mark used. Currently we calibrate probes by opening each probe (F9), selecting mark used and looking at the calibration dates/times. If it has been outside of 24 hours we typically calibrate only the necessary tips. I'd like a way to do this automatically, and to be able to use this command from a form.



Comment Box Update!

I think the Comment box could use some help.  I've been using PCDMIS since the 2014 version and its basically untouched in 10 years.  As an offline programmer, the comments are sometimes the only way I can communicate to the inspection operators.  

I have seen some people on here asking for Font Types and Colors, and i think that's a really great idea!

I would also like to see more ALT codes translated correctly to the comment box,   or maybe add more than the four symbols at the bottom of the Comment Text Box.  GD&T uses so many different symbols to communicate there should be a library to choose from when typing out or operator comments. 

Even as I type this out, I'm looking at the options i have to edit my text and I would love to see something similar to this woven into the comment section of PCDMIS. (see below)

Image 599


Auto Element Kreis Scan auch mit Stützpunkte/ Auto element circle scan also with support points

Mein Idee beinhaltet dass beim Auto Element Kreis Scan auch Stützpunkten möglich sind. 

Aktuell ist dies nicht möglich.

My idea is to program the scan with the auto element circle also with interpolation points.
Currently this is not possible.

Kundesupport af UserEcho