Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

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Paul Hewitson 8 years ago in Metrology Software / Metrology Asset Manager updated by neil kay 5 years ago 3

As of yesterday, I'm now programming in an office at the opposite end of the factory to the CMM.

The operator isn't always at the CMM especially if it is a long program.

Could PC-DMIS be set to send an email out to specified users when:

1)  the program stops when the probe crashes

2)  the probe needs manually removing/inserting

3)  the program reaches the end


Require Tracker Field Checks on a scheduled basis, or at least notify Operator

Kevin V 3 years ago in Metrology Software / Metrology Asset Manager updated by Benjamin Stocker 2 years ago 1

Is there a way to force field checks on a schedule basis, otherwise the tracker will not measure? Or to at least send a forced notification?