Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Change the .PRG extension to something else...

anders isaksson 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 3

Partly in jest, partly serious - as all antivirus softwares block the .PRG extension, it would be good if PC-DMIS used something else for its measuring routines (for example .PCD).

This is probably not a big problem for the ordinary user, but it is a great obstacle for us running Support, wasting a lot of time for both the customer and us just trying to get an MR sent.



PWB 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 1

Image 75

Our company recently up graded to 2017 r1 from v3.7. a big jump I know.

our CMM inspectors had been very efficient at creating reports of OOT. for manufacturing and or engineering. We used full report mode that was a live function that we edited the program and graphics from. Snap a screen shot and import it to a excel doc. Like the example above.

Now the report is a text doc. and not live to the graphics at all. We are constantly switching back and forth between report and summary mode. If I could create a graphic like that one shown and get it into the current report would work also.

Can we get the full report mode from v3.7 added back to PCDMIS?

It was a great tool for us, and easy to use.


turn constructed points into an autofeatuer

DAN_M 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 1

A lot of my parts have geometry that is weird enough to warrant me to measure points and then construct a feature out of those points as opposed to using an auto feature. This works well but it kills me because it takes up a lot of program window space. I would obviously much rather use 1 auto feature as opposed to having 12 individual points and then a line about the construction of those points.

It would be cool if I could put points on my model, go into construction (or perhaps a new dialogue box) and click to create an auto feature out of those points. I am imagining the software grabbing the nominal XYZ IJK values from the points previously mentioned and using that data to create as well as place an auto feature in my program window. Id then like to be able to go back in and delete those points, thus greatly reducing the size of my program but having the hits for my newly created auto feature precisely where I want them.


path lines color

NSF_TUN 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 1

viewing path line is good, but will be better the make a different color between measuring path, rapid move, security move,...


progress bar

NSF_TUN 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 0


Actually the progress bar don't show the really progressive routine. it's be simple that PcDmis calculate the total number of features (Element) and the % of progressive bar will be calculate on that.

the same pb on Probe calibbration. the % can be calculated on the number of the contact to measered. and the windows can show the actual contact angle that being calibrated.


Auto adjust probe angles with different probe heads (Tesa-PH10)

jleond 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 0

We have some machines that use PH10 and some that use Tesa probe heads, it takes some time to convert probe angles when a measuring routine was created with one of these probe heads and needs to be run in a CMM with a different probe head. It would be great that a PC-DMS recognizes this scenario, settings editor gives you limited options in the AutoAdjustTesaM5Degrees and in some cases it doen't work as intended.


Viewing Options for the Measure Tab Main View Area

David Courtney 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / Inspect bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 1

I would like to include a details view, list view and contents view option for measurement routine files within the Measure Tab Main View area. Same concept as Windows Explorer.


Jump to a path line

Ken Renninger 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 1

Add the ability to right click on a path line segment and jump to that section of the program after the last feature or move. Or before the next feature or move.


Ability to extend the surfaces of a CAD model

Tom 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 0

When doing a fixture certification, it would be nice to be able to EXTEND a CAD surface along the current plane (maintaining the surface vector) to check a FLUSH detail if your using a part model instead of the fixture model.


Remeasure function CW on the 1st run CCW on the 2nd

Lord_Warfield 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 4 jaar geleden 0

When measuring a half circle in the middle of a tube for example... the change in function would eliminate the need to add move points and create a alignment to the first feature created.