Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

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Excel Form Report - allow to change number of exported decimal places independent of report

Aaron Baldauf 3 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt 3 jaar geleden 2

Allow to change the number of exported decimal places independent of the report (see attached picture).

Or.. if this is too much to change -> force the excel export to always export at 6/7 (mm/inch) decimals.

This would allow to have an easy to read PDF/Print but still retain all the Data in the Excel Export.

At the moment if the PDF/Print is set to 3 decimals the export is also just 3 decimals.

This leads to PDF/Prints that are out of tolerance (shown red) but exports that are shown as in tolerance (wrongly)

Image 496


Evaluation of Envelope Modifier (ISO 14405-1) In the Report

Ceasar Jones 3 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

For reference: I'm using PC-DMIS 2020 R2 SP8. 

I've been seeing the E modifier next to dimensions in recent drawings released to the ISO 14405-1 specification. When I go to look at the report to see what the two measurements (LP and GN) look like for a shaft, it appears that the lower limit is the only one that has been assigned a modifier (E) when it's clear that the upper limit was evaluated with the LP modifier and the lower limit was evaluated with the GN modifier.

My issue with the report is: it's not explicitly clear which modifier is being used. This isn't an issue for your average metrologist/CMM programmer, but to the outsider, it can be problematic and cause some confusion.

Can we have an update to the report so that when the E modifier is used, the report clearly states which modifier was used to evaluate the upper/lower limits of a shaft/hole?

I can easily work around this by reporting two separate dimensions with the appropriate modifiers for each, but I shouldn't have to do this.


INSPECT Slideshow - possibility to add additional lines for better assignment of e.g. distance features.

OGrosch 3 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / Inspect 0

i am currently working in inspect 5.1
Currently, the slideshow does not display well angle, distances etc. that refer to more than one element.

Is it planned to imply the possibility of additional dimension lines? 


Reporting the width of an o-ring groove ( or the difference between an I.D. and an O.D. )

PcDmis 4 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door Guillermo 3 jaar geleden 4

True position tolerance add on - In Use Legacy Dimension

srinivasan 4 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt 4 jaar geleden 0

Image 465

Dear Team,

During the position tolerance callout, we don't have the separate column for position tolerance update . Instead of that every time we modifying in report callout.

In addition to +/- tolerance, if you provide the position tolerance column it would be very useful.

If any other method available in current state, please let me know.

Srinivasan N


Inspect Pallet Playlist add multiple pallets with spacing controls

DSH 4 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / Inspect 0

Many customers have large enough machines and smaller parts facilitating the ability to load multiple fixtures on the machine.  It would be helpful to have the ability to specify spacing between fixtures to execute sequentially.

This could possibly be done with fixture alignments rather than spacing for provision where the spacing may not be uniform.


Vectors of deviation in CAD protocol

Dominik Braun 4 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0


we need to have the option to show the vectors of the deviation in our protocol.

It is possible in the graphical window in PC-DMIS, so why isnt it possible in the "CADONLY" protocol e.g.?

Here is a screenshot what I mean:

Image 450

Thanks in advance


summary view, color scheme, similar to edit window colors

damonh 4 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door davehocum 4 jaar geleden 1

add a color scheme to the summary view, similar to the edit window color scheme that can be saved and recalled.


Datum feature in edit feature window

Garrett W 5 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door Trevor McLaughlin 4 jaar geleden 1

Add a feature in the screen for editing a feature (plane, cylinder, etc) to assign it as a datum instead of going through dimension datum screen and/or gd&t dimension.