Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


excel macro reports from .XLSM to .XLSX or bring back .xlsm.

steve 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

As it stands now. .xlsm (macro) is not an option and .XLSX is the new version but, does not work correctly.

.xlsm is 1997 version. I have worked with these sheet forever and the new PCDMIS wizard does not even

work anymore.


auto wrist !!!!

BOP 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

Automatic angle feature does not work in holes with an angle?


auto wrist !!!!

BOP 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

Automatic angle feature does not work in holes with an angle


roughness evaluation from CWS scan on vision machines

karsten kuenzel 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

Optiv machine equipped with cws 1mm can generate COPs that shall be used to calculate roughness dimensions.

Actually the processing of the COPs is made with an additional external Software.

An implementation of the roughness in pcdmis would make this measurement less complicate and reduce Costs for external Software (Mahr).


Adaptive circle scan sample hits/remeasure

jacobor79 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

Would like to take "sample hits" in diameters and then scan with the updated size/location.  Sometimes a diameter is allowed to vary drastically but still needs scanned.  Maybe something a little more elegant than measuring a 3 point circle and updating from it.


concentricity and coaxiality - References "A-B"

Levitec 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен Rob Jensen 4 года назад 2

Why can't I use the "A-B" cover for concentricity and coaxiality?

References are circles and cylinders.


Searchable features in ClearanceCube Definition Status Tab

Kingsld1 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен 2 года назад 4

I'd like to be able to search for a given feature in the ClearanceCube Definition Status Tab.   Scrolling thru a mile long list is not fun.   In an ideal world,  if the Clearance Cube Definition Status tab was open clicking on a feature label in the graphics window would take you to the feature in the Status tab.


Change name of the seperate point when using 'To points' in autofeature

Wes77 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

When using the 'To points' option in an autofeature, you can give in the name of the plane. In this case 'PL_A3'.

When 'To points' is ticked and you press 'Create', then you will get seperate points with a constructed plane called 'PL_A3'.

Image 402

The points are named like the last saved featurename for a point.

But I want them named 'PL_A3_PT1, 'PL_A3_PT2', etcetera.

At this moment I have to make a point and call it 'PL_A3_PT1' and make the ID default, and then delete it.

Is it possible that you get something like a popup in wich you can input the name of the first point?

And as a bonus, can you add in that popup the question if you want place the points in a group and what the name of that group should be.


Gr. Wesley.


Transformation help

TGammon 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен Jared Hess 4 года назад 2

In version 2020R1, with the transformation window open, an autofeature cannot be selected. This feature was available in previous versions. Being able to open an autofeature assists in finding unknown cad locations for assisting transformations.


Scan point location

TGammon 5 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

On version 2015.1, with "Show Hits" enabled in the edit window, a point on the scan can be highlighted and with the "move cursor to" command, the individual point hit vector would be identified in the edit window. This feature is not working on version 2017R2, 2019R1 and 2020R1 etc.. Can this feature be reincorporated into newer versions of PCDMIS?

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