Hexagon Measurement      Systems

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F5 setup option dialogue should be adjustable in size.

VIRENDRA RATHORE vor 5 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 0

Considering the importance of F5 setup dialogue in the PC-DMIS, I assume this dialogue should be more user-friendly. As a user, I don't want to stress my retina to search for the option of my choice considering the font size it has. What we can do here is that the user should have the flexibility to adjust the size of the dialogue or at least the font size.


Variable Value View View Window

philip grant vor 5 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 1

When you have a program with multiple variables/tracefields it can be difficult to keep track of what the values are currently in the variables. Currently there isn't a direct or easy way to see all of them.  You can look at them individually but this can take some time if you have a lot of them.

If you are sending tracefields to a stats program you can have a lot of them and keeping track of them can be painful.

In the View -> Other windows area it would be nice to have a variable view window to show all the ones in your program.


As a user of PC-DMIS, I would like to hide the feature labels in the graphic display window as per the groups

Krishna Chaitanya Velisetty vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 0
  • An option in the right click context menu where the user can toggle ON / OFF the features (along with labels) as per the group.
  • This is also tied up with the snapshot command where if we have the option to display features of a specific group, the inspection report will be more good.

avoidance moves

Bill Kulpa vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 1

The ability to add avoidance moves before and after individual points within and auto feature. Say I have an interrupted OD and I want the probe to retract between hits 3 & 4 to a distance that will clear the interruption, then resume the circle measurement. I have many parts with 3-4 interruptions on the OD. This would also help when I scanning. Now I have to create 4 - 8 linear open scans (depending on whether I'm measuring a circle or cylinder with move point in between, then construct a circle. If it's a cylinder I have to filter the scans 1st then construct my cylinder.


Split Cad and Vision Tab

Kyle Brummans vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 0

Very often switching between CAD & Vision tab.  Would be nice to be able to separate these and view both.

Wird überprüft

Spring Back Value not to be applied to 1st Straight

Liviu vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / TubeShaper aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 2

After calculating and saving the Spring Back Value we can use this calculations to correct the LRA of a new nominal tube.

The only thing that TubeShaper is applying the spring back correction to the 1st straight.

This is the only straight that has no elongation error, because  the rotation and the bending angle are applied from the second one forward. Actually the TS is correcting the tube on the 1st straight, and after the 1st measurement he bring's it back close to the nominal. 

If we don't apply SPE correction on the 1st straight, the customer has to do 1 correction less and he has 1 less scraped tube.


Search Functionality button in the PC-DMIS can be of great advantage.PCD-164628

Virendra Rathore vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 3


As PC-DMIS has hundreds of functionality in it, this just stuck in my mind that it would be of great help for the operator or the user to have the search functionality button to access the particular functionality quickly. Although we have a quick feature toolbar but contains only a few of them. It would be of great help for the PC-DMIS user to find the functionality quickly if he remembers the functionality.

For example, if I know about the fly mode and want to use it but did not remember the exact location of it, I have to search it in the menu bar or in the setup options or somewhere else but if we would have search functionality button we can search "Fly mode" and it should open the fly mode setup options. I don't know if it is possible or not but having this functionality makes the PC-DMIS more user-friendly for sure


Open Routine with pressed Ctrl-Key as offline

Thilo Graf vor 6 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert vor 5 Jahren 1

It would be usefully to have a possibility to open a routine automaticaly in offline mode while user is pressing the Ctrl key and is selecting the file in open dialog or/and in menue File->Historie.