Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Pc-DMIS 2017 R1 True Position

Luis Oliveira 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 1

Hi guys so i updated pc DMis 2017 R1 SP 2 for SP 7 and after the update when i measure the true Position in Simple mode the true position allways stay on RED with *OUTTOUL* expression, even in repport the true position is in tolerance.

Anyone Knows why

Thans in advance

Luis Oliveira


for the Graphic view, it is better if there is one button to display the GRID

Sugiarto Tan 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 2

for the Graphic view, it is better if there is one button to display  the GRID


Print report to excel both append and overwrite doesn't work

Roel 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 1

When I use the Print Report command twice, I can save the PDF both as append and overwrite of the measurements. But when I want to use one print command to append to Excel and one print command to overwrite to excel, then the last button I selected also becomes selected in the other print command (so that I get 2 appends to excel or 2 overwrites to excel). Seems like a bug.


more constructions.

jacobor79 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 0

Example- be able to select which pierce point of circle to line or cylinder if more than one possible answer. 


Query measurement routine upon opening for features that are not used in contructions or dimensional outputs

damonh 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 0

this is to find features in the measurement routine that do not have any use (junk features), perhaps carried over from previous iterations or just not fully utilized (as constructions or alignments or output dimensionally). there is already a query for missing alignment recalls and dimensional outputs that have no feature ID's, so this would be an extension of that. Features created in the measurement routine should have a use as a construction of another feature, as an alignment, or as a dimensional output, or....


Had to have IT Department fix windows 10

Gmoney 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 1

We tried to install Polly works and windows 10 froze at 80%.

It took our IT department 4 hours to fix and now when I start PC Dmis I get a message.

"You do not have a License. PC-DMIS cannot continue.


create generic features from variable data

jason beaudoin 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 0

Currently there is the option, with variables, to pull all the elements from a feature at once using the .ALL extension.

What would be very useful is for a generic feature to be fully populated by the elements from the parent feature.



dslosar 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 1

Hello my name is Daniel Ślosarczyk on pc dmis has been working for 6 years. I miss reporting cad models and cut models in the report. In addition, the report could be more intuitive to make quick screans (see reporting polyworks)

Image 104


Use constructed features in the graphics window (like CAD) to pick auto features.

Vector Metrology Services 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 0

I often program complex 3 axis parts offline with only a drawing.  I have to usually "sketch" the part using constructed features, to give me the geometry to find intersects / tangents etc. I would like to have a mode similar to curve mode, that allows you to pick the feature lines in the graphics window, similar to picking CAD, to create auto features.


Multiple Pattern Names

dsylvester 7 jaar geleden in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS bijgewerkt door neil kay 5 jaar geleden 4

When programming multiple features in order like:




It would be nice if you could copy/paste with pattern this entire pattern and save the names of all not just have everything come up as HOLE_1, HOLE_2, HOLE_3...

Time consuming to rename all of the counter bores and depths.