Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Reference Dimensions - No Tolerance & Secondary Reporting Options

Kyle Brummans il y a 6 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par AKASH il y a 1 an 2

Two main attributes:

The ability to toggle tolerances off.  (Basic and Reference dimensions)  

The ability to have a second set of dimensional reporting options or several reporting profiles (Dimension Color Settings)

This helps with quality control.  Right now, we either 'open' tolerance or don't report.  There are instances where it is desirable to have values of basics and references with-out it hindering production mentality/reactions.  Often I also output XYZ coordinates for In-Car and zero tolerance them, as the T-value is what's important/desired.


Intersection points between curve and plane

Daniel Ströbel il y a 6 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 0

At the moment when you construct an intersection point between plane and curve only the first intersection point (PNT1) will be construct. (see Picture 1)

Picture 1 

We are needed every intersection point between curve and plane (PNT2 and PNT3). (see Picture 2)

Picture 2


Collision Detection Speed Slide Adjustment Bar During Simulation

Jurgis Rudkus il y a 6 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par Neil Ryan il y a 1 an 4
Instead of having to go into a menu and change the similation speed, it would be nice for there to be a slide bar that you can adjust during simlation. That way you can speed up in areas that you know are clear, and slow down in super tight areas. I know that if it clears once, it will clear a thousand times, but some machines act a bit different.

Apply new default settings to existing projects

Nicolas Pétré il y a 6 ans dans Metrology Software / TubeShaper mis à jour par anthony vianna il y a 4 ans 2

When a user changes his default report Template (ex: change the Logo), those new settings will be applied only on new projects.

If he has 1000 existing projects, there is no way to retro apply the new settings on the old project but changing one by one.


Default feature color

V Maglov il y a 6 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 0

I'd like to suggest a feature - to add an option to set the default colors for different types of features - i.e. by default every time i create a constructed feature its color on the cad model to be yellow and every time i create an auto feature its color to be red etc.
I am asking for this feature because atm whenever i start a new program or open an existing one by default all features are black and even if i set it manually the way i want it every feature i add to the program after i have set my colors is shown in black no matter where in the program i add the feature.
Also id like to suggest a global option for adjusting the features' colors for all programs because i would really like to avoid setting the colors for 1300+ programs manually one by one.
IMPO this would be extremely convenient if such an option is added to PC DMIS.


Warning message reminder to save Program

davehocum il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 1

Add a setting in the Setup Options for a save reminder. If a program is opened for a while, you will receive an warning message reminding you to save.


Integrate leapfrog using touchprobe

sebastiaan kuiper il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / TubeShaper mis à jour par anthony vianna il y a 4 ans 2

Please integrate leapfrog using touchprobe. When doing the current leapfrog (measure last two straights) it is sometimes not possible to measure tubes with a very long straight (2000-3000mm) in between the bends with a "standard" tubearm. This will be possible using a traditional leapfrog (or two).


QuickMeasure toolbar, make new sub icon menu

Murat AKBULUT il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 2

These openable icons are very useful. The new ones have been added, which is good. But I want to be able to create myself.
  In this way;
  - I get rid of the clutter.
  - I gained from the area.
  - I can make my own arrangements.


The Nominals must be editable.

Holger il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / TubeShaper mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 1

When evaluating distances and angles, the nominal value should be editable. 

In the current versions of TS, the setpoints are read from the pipe data and are not to be changed separate and manually.


Update scan surfaces to new model

David Courtney il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 1

I want an easy way to be able to bring in a new model and tell PC-DMIS to equate the surface relation of previously created scans to the new model without having to go through each scan and deselect and reselect surfaces.  For example, a model revision.