Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Bulk Program Editor

Dynamic vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 2

Tool or script that can open all programs in a directory and do a "Find and Replace" on program code. For example: if you had a command like EXTERNALCOMMAND/NO_DISPLAY, NO_WAIT ; C:\FOLDER\EXTERNALCOMMANDTHATIWANTTORUN.EXE and you wanted to change it to EXTERNALCOMMAND/NO_DISPLAY, NO_WAIT ; C:\FOLDER\DIFFERENTEXTERNALCOMMANDTHATIWANTTORUN.EXE, currently you have to open-edit-close on all of the programs. In situations where there are many programmers or there are many programs, this would be a useful tool for managing the edits required on an entire directory.


Add the ability to delete or transform multiple CAD assemblies and one time.

Gamerjra vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 0

Under CAD assemblies, I would like to be able to select multiple assemblies, to either delete, or even transform. As it is I have to select one at a time. When using 30+ assemblies it can take sometime to transform or delete.


​Min / Max point on colormap

dan brokstad vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 2

Min / Max point on colormap is not representative to surface.
This point will "nearly" always be on the surface edge!
And this value is used when you evaluate Profile surface dimension.
If you take a look at pictures below and special on the colormap / colormap scale. 99 percent of this surface is green and orange. The Profile surface dimension value should be around 0.5 but it is 0.756 (ASME).
This because of what I believe error from the scanner.
Different ways to solve this could be:
Let the Min / Max be on a colormap "area" and not as a point.
Or an outlier filter...
Image 26


New Pointcloud window with CAD Controls

dan brokstad vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 0

Ability to scan only select/selected CAD Surface with tolerance (Max distance).
New window :-)

Image 25


Out of tolerance first/Out of tolerance last

Valentin Tarba vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 5

Everyone knows the Report Template TEXTANDCAD_OOT.RPT

A lot of my customers ask me for a report template which add the OOT dimensions first in the report or last in the report.I made a template for them but it will be nice to be added as a default in report window.What do you think?


graphic display window flagged note / comment

Cartman vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 1

add flagged note / comment text box in graphic display window.

for adding part, assembly, job, numbers or other instructions as desired.


Add (M) to the concentricity/coaxiality FCF builder

Jörgen Andersson (vpt se) vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 9

ISO allows for the (M) modifier on concentricity and coaxiality, but I have yet to see this added to PC-DMIS. In order for my conc/coax evaluations to comply with the drawing, I must either do a bonus calculation, then an conc/coax evaluation with the calculated tolerance - or, use position to evaluate the conc/coax where the (M) modifier can be used.


Password protected mode

Selahattin Akkaya vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / Inspect aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 1

I should be able to set passwords for certain sections for operator mode. I want to choose the sections to be password protected.


Report Window

gbeebout vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 1

Please look into adding the ability to move/view the report window on a second monitor.


Can we make the Ser Number field "Text Only".

gsciola vor 8 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von neil kay vor 5 Jahren 5

Currently a Serial Number like 123-456 will be read as -333. I understand that I can add an underscore, but doesn't it just make sense to allow the serial number to be entered as it appears on the part?