Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


turn off hits on all in edit window

EmilySue 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 8

To my understanding, if you want to "clean up" your edit window, you have to turn off "parameters" and "show hits" individually on every feature.

Can there be an option (Probably under the View menu) to toggle parameters and show-hits ON or OFF for all features?


Dimension the width between circles

Bill Kulpa 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 1

Add the ability in the distance dimensioning to be able to report the width of an O ring groove between two circles.


Multiple tube diameter steps

Moose 7 years ago in Metrology Software / TubeShaper updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

We do a lot of multiple diameter tubes that start with a smaller diameter and step up multiple times.  I am currently working on one that has 4 different diameters for each bend.  These tubes are usually constructed of single bends and it would be great to be able to measure the tube against the CAD to make sure we had the rotations correct.

Under review

Add physical tube properties, or tags, (wallthickness i.e.) which you can you use to search projects

sebastiaan kuiper 7 years ago in Metrology Software / TubeShaper updated by neil kay 5 years ago 1

Besides project names it would be nice to search on other terms. Like wallthickness etc


Add new type of alignement RPS

Nicolas Pétré 7 years ago in Metrology Software / TubeShaper updated by anthony vianna 4 years ago 5

From Anoflex Contitech France (and French CO - Laurent Francou):

Add a RPS alignment, using geometric features, all keeping the Tube coordinates.

today, geometric alignements without CAD cannot keep the tube coordinates according to drawings.


Auto Surface Feature

David Courtney 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 2

I know I am way out there this time but please hear me out.  Please add a surface type auto feature.  No matter the surface I want to be able to create an adaptive scan similar to an auto plane adaptive scan feature, such as perimeter, free form, or teach path.  For example, (bad example but here it is) I don't necessarily want to create a cylinder on a radius surface I want to create an auto surface feature but I don't want it to be constrained to the cylinder parameters I want it to be able to be treated the same as I would create a plane adaptive scan.  Another example would be irregular surface geometry. The reasoning is I want to be able to go through a part and create auto features instead of generic scan features to report the profile of each surface.  I think it could be a valuable tool.  Thank you!  


Pull data from auto feture sample hits

RussD 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

Have the ability to pull data from sample hit for constructed features.


CAD model Export

Mitja Smrekar 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

I have a program with a CAD model in it, but I do not have a model in any other CAD format (stp, igs, prt...) only .cad from PC-DMIS. I need a function to export CAD model from PC-DMIS to other formats like stp and igs.

Situation is: I have only a PC-DMIS program and I need a model because we can not find that model anywhere.


Separate Clearance Cubes = More efficient probe travel times.

Derek 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 3

When I import my 1-2-3 blocks for fixturing or whatever I bring in, I would like each of them to be able to have their own clearance cube instead of having to have a large cube encompassing the whole set up.  Sometimes with larger fixtures it would definitely speed things up if the probe didn't think it had to move so far away from my part just because the constraints of the CC are limited to the overall size of my imported fixturing.  And why stop there, also make it where if I don't have a fixture model I can manually set up a cube just for that single fixture piece as well.