Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Distance-to-go while executing a program

Cole Bergeron il y a 11 mois dans Hardware / Coordinate Measuring Machines mis à jour par Julian Cawthon il y a 11 mois 1

When executing a program, not much information is available to you, and knowing how far a probe is about to travel is a great indicator of whether or not you're in the right ballpark.

Simply a value showing how far the probe is going to move before it reaches the point in which it will switch to touch speed or begin moving in another direction.

We see more and more machinist being trained to run PC-DMIS, and this is a comfortable feature they're used to seeing when running their CNC machines. I think it could help prevent many CMM crashes.


Ability to use game console controller to move machine

Julian Cawthon il y a 4 ans dans Hardware / Coordinate Measuring Machines mis à jour il y a 4 ans 1

Create the ability to map a game console controller to control the machine motion. 

X button = Accept

O button = Slow mode

Triangle = Cancel/back

Square = Skip 

Arrows activate and deactivate axis's


Please make bigger dialog window for column placement messages

MiniMini il y a 4 ans dans Hardware / Fixturing 0

Please make bigger dialog window for column placement messages for Fixturing (Five U-Nique)


Step by step activation of angles

Boris il y a 4 ans dans Hardware / Coordinate Measuring Machines 0


It would be usefull for adjusting new programs if there would be a feature where I as a programer could click on icon and after that all angles in program wount execute until I press on joystick of 3D CMM ok. Different explanation. If I have for example 10 angles in program. I would click on icon in toolbar or press some keyboard shortcut and every angle would need step by step confirmation with joystick or also with some shortcut. 

À l'étude


Neil il y a 5 ans dans Hardware / Robotic Measuring Systems mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 5

I would like to see help for other Hexagon software such as Cognitens Coreview, Teach for white light added to the "Other Hexagon Software" area of the site. We often require help and also have the knowledge to help others, this software seems to be overlooked due to the limited user base. I have requested this to Hexagon before with limited response.


Calibration specs for instruments and probes would be helpful

Les Sinnock il y a 7 ans dans Hardware mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 0

It would be great to have a lookup table for instrument specs, calibration specs, probe specs, standard deviations expected, etc.


Turn off machine servos function

Al Metzel il y a 8 ans dans Hardware / Coordinate Measuring Machines mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 0

 A function to allow the program to turn off the machine servos would be very useful as operators often forget to do so when exiting an inspection program. This was an option in MeasureMax.