Hexagon Measurement SystemsNo matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.
Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future. |
Multiple Pattern Names
When programming multiple features in order like:
It would be nice if you could copy/paste with pattern this entire pattern and save the names of all not just have everything come up as HOLE_1, HOLE_2, HOLE_3...
Time consuming to rename all of the counter bores and depths.
Windows Tags and Coments
It would be nice if you could tag programs in Windows explorer and be able to add comments about the program without having to open the program and view it. This would be display in windows explorer under the details section.
It would be nice if we can handle STL by surface mesh. Pointcloud is not usable...
Some youtube demo about pointcloud operation is also much better to help to our work.
Practical trick and tip etc...
Quick Fixture
Improve quick fixture interface to where it is more like the translate mode, 2d rotate mode, 3d rotate mode in the graphics modes toolbar. Current interface is quirky at best to downright difficult.
I would envision going into quick fixture mode, click on a component, clicking on translate to move a component such as a tension clamp, then switching to 2d rotate to turn the clamp on to the cad model.
Mulit Pc excel output
Have the Excel output work with any number of pieces into the same sheet.
Having issues opening 2012 file in 2013 software
I have pc-dmis cad 2012 ( silver edition advantage global) software and pc dnis cad 2013 (brown & sharpe 7-10-7) software. I'm trying to access the file from the 2013 on the 2012 software but I'm having some issues with this. Any suggestion how to access to file? thank you :)
HxGN Live Session Idea Center Session Idea - Gamification / Achievements
Suggestion from HxGN Live Idea Center Session
"With a Hexagon wide user account system, an award/achievement system could be added tracking usage of Hexagon software, and/or for attending HxGN Live, or completing training courses.
Unlock achievements by trying learning new capabilities in the software, or through long usage of the same capabilities (1miilionth feature created).
Your ranking position among your peers can be shown on a worldwide leader board, and the top placed users win prizes (t-shirts, iPads, HxGN Live tickets (travel included))."
Safety request by probe swivel,
When using executing program parts by CTRL + E, PCDMIS automatically swings to the last programmed probe position from the program.
Unfortunately alsothis position is skipped by an IF / GO command.
Here would be a safety requestion befor the swivel useful.
Manual Controller Specifications - Jog Box Functions
Hey guys,
I was thinking this morning how nice it would be to be able to specify with your jog box or even form the machine directly set move distances while programming directly online.
Example: I program a lot of thinks that are almost 2 dimensional so it is hard to fixture so we simply just change parts run a quick manual alignment however sometimes it can be tedious to go take and find those manual points but still get it close.
So if you are programming without CAD and not offline and you want the machine to move what you know to be 10mm you can have an options to move in Z+ Z- X+ X- ect. that exact amount instead of feathering the stick to where you want it given the option to change desired distant in seconds. Usually we know where we want to go in each direction we just don't know how far but we know roughly and we know which direction we want. This can make manually take points slightly more uniform as well short of going back through your code and just adjusting your coordinates.
I am not sure if this is possible with current jog boxes or windows in pc-dmis but our machine has an older style j box with no screen or anything. So a window for quick input directions in pc-dmis and or on the jog box would be awesome.
Mid point vector
A constructed mid-point cannot be used for best-fit vector alignments because the vector is wrong, I normally get around it by constructing a generic point and calculate the average vector of the 2 points...
Would be useful if the mid-point worked in the same way as my genetic point.
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