Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Changing the vector approach on a Circle

jean-francois manlay (jefman) hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por Aaron Baldauf hace 5 años 5

It would be nice to add a 3d vector approach in auto circle, to measure circles on cone, sphere... without doing it by autovector points.


I would like to be able to change a contact auto feature into a vision one (and vice versa) without having to delete the feature and recreate it

neil kay hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por sealevel hace 4 años 3

It would be a good time saver to not need to reprogram if there was a toggle parameter in the edit window for auto features for sensor type


Save function as a PC-DMIS Command

mihael rakic hace 4 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado hace 4 años 3

As a PC-DMIS user, it would be an advantage to have a save function in PC-DMIS. Sometimes users are using VB to save the measurement routine. It would be nice if there is a function in PC-DMIS to have a commando in your measurement routine which functions as a Save Routine. 

Image 453


Add the ability to resize report snapshots

Trevor McLaughlin hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por Austin hace 3 meses 5
The new Snapshot tool is great, but it would be even better if users could resize the image in the report window and even move it to a different page of the report.

Report concave/convex condition of planes

James Temmen hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

ability to evaluate if a plane is either concave or convex. 


Protected measuring routines

frank herr hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 20 2 duplicados

We need a possibility that an user can only open the measuring routine (.PRG) for execution. User in that case means also an operator with full PC-DMIS access and administrator privileges.

Here is the story:

  • Customer  has 2 Leica trackers from us with PCDMIS.
  • Customer constructs big machines for producing car tires. At several moments they measure the setup from their machine with the tracker. Works all fine.
  • Next step: if they sell a VMI machine to a customer they think about also selling a Leica Tracker with PC-DMIS as a kind of measuring tool for their customers.
  • They create the .PRG, and want that the routine can only be run in Operator Mode. Reason: they do not want that their customers can edit the original .PRG
  • Note: the protected mode in PC-DMIS is not an option.

Another example is the ISO acceptance routines. We have to make sure that they can't be changed.


Adjustable feature selection box.

Dave Drew hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 15

When constructing or dimensioning, the feature selection box should be adjustable in size to see more features or full feature identification for easier selection.


Auto Planes

Graham_Sam hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 11

When using an auto plane, we would like to see the option for start points and end points for the plane, as manipulating the points manually around other features can sometimes be difficult.


Ability to resize Feature ID List in Distance Dimension Dialog

QMDino hace 2 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por illia levchenko hace 2 años 1

My work would be much more efficient if I could resize the "Distance" dialog box, specifically the feature ID's list. Currently I can only see 5 feature ID's at a time. When I don't know the names of all the features, or I can't find it in the cad model display, being able to see a larger portion of the list here would be great because I know approximately where or with what other features it is. Most of the time I'm working on parts with hundreds of features.

Image 557


Measure in 3D-model like CAD-software

RP-Precision hace 2 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado hace 2 años 2

Make a function that can measure dimensions in a 3-model like the same way as CAD-software can. Only to know how big some geometry is, or to check something. This can be usefull, because nowadays many drawings are minimum dimensions drawings.