Hexagon Measurement SystemsNo matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.
Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future. |
Ability to define "paste with pattern" offsets by CAD selection
Title pretty much says it all. I've got a CAD model right there in the CAD window. I'd like to be able to define pattern offsets by clicking on CAD geometry.
Having ability to choose the alignment in which values of assignments are given
For example, ASSIGN/V1=QUALTOOLDATA("XYZ", "MY_SPHERE") or ASSIGN/V2=PROBEDATA("vector") are given in STARTUP alignment whatever the actual alignment.
If I want to use them in a prog, I have to recall startup, then create a generic feature and recall the actual alignment...
It would be more simple in actual alignment !
scanning irregular with a sheffield controled machine
To allow the scanning of any shape feature with a Sheffield machine and controler
More control over dimensions to export to QDAS
I would to specify a subset of a large number of dimensions, and send ONLY this specified subset to QDAS for Statistical Analysis
Visual representation of pass thru plane
Be nice to see the pass thru plane as well as the clear plane. Probably would only want it to turn on while you have the cursor on the clear plane code.
Connect / disconnect button for the portable devices
Connect / disconnect button for the measurement arms and other portable devices.
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