Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Color coded edge point preview

Kyle Brummans hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Much like the auto-circle it would be intuitive to have the same color coding on the path lines for edge points.

Currently, auto-circle's first hit is purple and last is orange.

It could also be useful to have say an arrow head or something noticeable for sample hits.

Most of us probably have the orders memorized, but its more intuitive to color code and easier to train with visuals.


When Installing PC-DMIS Check the Locale or Ask user if they wish to work to ASME or ISO standard

david carter hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

When we install PC-DMIS Check the Locale or Ask user if they wish to work to ASME or ISO standard as default so the registry key is then set correctly. By default it is set to ASME, but users working to ISO then have to change the Standard each time using Xactmeasure. The situation is worse for legacy as they might be reporting profile tolerance incorrectly  without there knowledge. Most users are not aware of the registry key USEISOCALCULATIONS and even if they do they might not have permissions to change it. We should be more active to ensure users are using the right applicable standard at install time.


Vector Map Touch Trigger Probe characteristics to Minimise lobing error

david carter hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 1

Many customers are not aware of the significant lobing error on a touch trigger probe. Currently we do not 'map' this lobing error other than average it. In some cases (long stylus length and higher spring forces)  the lobing can be significant and will result in errors whilst measuring, especially when single point measuring. PC-DMIS should be able of map the characteristics and thus provide more accurate measurements. This will give us an advanced over competitor software.


How to rotate an program 90 deg

thomas davis hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 3

Command Mode - Dynamic Zoom with <CTRL> + Mouse Scroll

mike hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Command mode has visual challenges. Small text (fonts), while difficult to see, is good for seeing the whole program - especially features with long widths across. Large text (fonts) is good for detail and visibility, but the field of view gets cropped.

Changing fonts by pressing F6, then clicking "Edit Window", and THEN selecting the font size, is archaic.

A huge improvement would be if Command Mode allowed Dynamic Zoom (or Font Scaling) using <CTRL> + Mouse Scroll. Examples of this are available in Visual Studio's editor, MS Word, and Notepad++.

Note the attached MP4 of Visual Studio scrolling in and out of code details.

Visual Studio, Dynamic Zoom


Calculation and representation of a trimline from the point cloud (Sheetmetal).

ThoBi hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

2019-05-28 12_21_34-7337543_AD_LI_RADHAUS_A....png
2019-05-28 12_21_22-7337543_AD_LI_RADHAUS_A....png
2019-05-28 12_20_14-.png

In other Measuring Software you can show the trimline of sheet metal work pieces, like Pcdmis do it in cross section and line profile. But it is not possible to use for trimlines, because of the high deviation or the contour of the trimline. It would be nice, if it worked like the cross section.


Field Editor

Kyle Brummans hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Command Mode

Summary Mode
Dmis Mode

New Mode - Field Editor Mode (or Filter mode?)

Basically it's command mode - except you can filter what it shows:


Example - Avoidance moves only (probe)

Example - light settings only (vision)

Example - Measure Now/Remeasure

Example - Relative Too

It would also be nice, that if you are in this mode PCDMIS would see that you are not changing anything relevant to an alignment - and thus the prompts would act accordingly.


Auto square slot with radius corners

BGalle hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

An Auto Square slot that also checks corner radius. Reports center location, length, width, and corner radius. 


Different hole diameters with composite pattern

Don K. hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por Rob Jensen hace 4 años 3

When selecting holes with a composite pattern true position requirement the tolerancing window automatically filters the selectable holes to only list holes of identical sizes.  Previous versions of PC-DMIS would let us select holes of any diameter from the tolerancing window to include in a pattern requirement.


Output Form Deviations EXCELFORMREPORT

Ben Capuana hace 6 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

EXCELFORMREPORT does not allow the individual points of form tolerances to be output, only the min/max and measured values. For customers with point maps it would be nice to be able to see all of the form deviations.