Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


create generic features from variable data

jason beaudoin hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Currently there is the option, with variables, to pull all the elements from a feature at once using the .ALL extension.

What would be very useful is for a generic feature to be fully populated by the elements from the parent feature.



dslosar hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 1

Hello my name is Daniel Ślosarczyk on pc dmis has been working for 6 years. I miss reporting cad models and cut models in the report. In addition, the report could be more intuitive to make quick screans (see reporting polyworks)

Image 104


Use constructed features in the graphics window (like CAD) to pick auto features.

Vector Metrology Services hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

I often program complex 3 axis parts offline with only a drawing.  I have to usually "sketch" the part using constructed features, to give me the geometry to find intersects / tangents etc. I would like to have a mode similar to curve mode, that allows you to pick the feature lines in the graphics window, similar to picking CAD, to create auto features.


Multiple Pattern Names

dsylvester hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 4

When programming multiple features in order like:




It would be nice if you could copy/paste with pattern this entire pattern and save the names of all not just have everything come up as HOLE_1, HOLE_2, HOLE_3...

Time consuming to rename all of the counter bores and depths.


Windows Tags and Coments

JD Johnson hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 1

It would be nice if you could tag programs in Windows explorer and be able to add comments about the program without having to open the program and view it. This would be display in windows explorer under the details section.


Automatic sensor in probe changer

Bill Kulpa hace 7 años en Hardware / Coordinate Measuring Machines actualizado hace 2 años 1

Have a proximity switch or LVDT in the probe changer to automatically tell PC DMIS which docking ports that have probe assignments are empty.


Have the option of making programs "Invisible" from Inspect Desktop.

Cian hace 7 años en Metrology Software / Inspect actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 3

If there is a large number of programs to load within a Directory, Inspect slows down significantly and sometimes crashes. If the only program to show was, searched for, program. This should prevent the system from slowing down.


If "Case" selections are used withing Program, the program Completion ring stays at 100%.

Cian hace 7 años en Metrology Software / Inspect actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 1

If you have a "Run another Part" selection within a Program, the total measurement cycle ring does not reset back to 0%, it remains at 100%.


Lock out programs or subfolders

SB1 hace 7 años en Metrology Software / Inspect actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 2

Ability to lock out or block certain programs or programs within subfolders to keep other cmm operators from using these cmm programs.



Gábor Tóth hace 7 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 3

It would be nice if we can handle STL by surface mesh. Pointcloud is not usable...

Some youtube demo about pointcloud operation is also much better to help to our work.

Practical trick and tip etc...