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best way to report +/- material on individual points on a constructed circle

Shawn vor 9 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

best way to report +/- material on individual points on a constructed circle


Allow move points in only 1 or 2 axis in Summary Mode

Alexanderdottry vor 9 Monaten in Metrology Software 0

While programming in Command mode, If you inserted a move command:


Then delete the axis that you don’t want to move

MOVE/POINT,NORMAL,<,,5> (This will move only the Z axis to 5 above the current alignment.)

Once we write a program, our shop floor uses protect mode on the CMMs to keep the programs from being messed with. Protect mode automatically enables summary mode.


According to the PCDMIS help file, when summary mode is turned on, PCDMIS will override this setting and move the XY coordinate as well.


|Pasted below from the Help File. Link is also below. Paragraph is at the bottom of the article|

Moving In Only 1 or 2 Axes

In the Edit window in Command mode, you can set one of the axis values to blank (which means that you completely delete the value) to give the axis a relative move of zero during measurement routine execution. This essentially lets you have a hybrid relative and absolute move point behavior using the MOVE/POINT command.

This feature only works fully in Command mode. If you use Summary mode to do this, the field disappears from the Edit window. If you want to then set it back to a number value, you need to set it in Command mode.


As an alternative to this post, could we have a Command mode view, yet still keep protect mode on? Whichever would be easier in my opinion.


Quickly turn on and off pathlines?

Alexanderdottry vor 9 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von Jacob Cheverie vor 9 Monaten 3

Could a shortcut key be created or a quick button to turn on and off pathlines in a program? 


some terminology mistakes in Chinese version

sau_zhyf vor 10 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS 0

In the Chinese version, the following terminologies do not match the Chinese national standard:

English terminologies
Plus Tolerence
Minus Tolerance
Terminologies in Chinese PC-DMIS
Terminologies in GB

Separate scanning parameters from probing parameters

timo grimm vor 10 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von Guillermo vor 10 Monaten 1

When changes are made to scan parameters such as point density

all other probe parameters are also automatically entered in the program.

However, if parts are measured with different measuring machines but the same program, the stored probe parameters must not be changed.

As this is not possible, the probe parameters must be adjusted each time in the program.

Scanning parameters should therefore be separated from the probe parameters, as is the case in other areas.


PCDMIS admin panel

Solomon vor 10 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von Aaron Baldauf vor 10 Monaten 1

Hello PCDMIS gurus and devs.

I would appreciate if PCDMIS had admin panel where I could define all settings once and then point this admin panel to every computer where installation of PCDMIS exists this way If I wanted to change say for example speed of all machines or some other generic settings it would be done from one panel. For example layout of buttons, speed of 3D CMM, loading colors for highlighting code etc. 


Implement support of a compound datum made of two non coaxial circles.

natanderson vor 11 Monaten in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von nrowland vor 10 Monaten 3

Example A is a plane, B and C are two circles laying in plane A. I need to evaluate GD&T relative to A|B-C. B-C should be treated a as pattern. ref case #00757938

Note: B and C are measured on a thin glass lens with a Vision probe on an Optiv Reference machine: they are 2D and cannot be measured as cylinders.

This functionality is supported in other metrology software. This is very frustrating and embarrassing for my customers.