Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.


Setup instructions and cad images inside the UI not pcdmis

jacobrandles 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / Inspect обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 7

error in connect=0

Gary 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 2

Is this a hardware issue or software connection issue?


Offline viewer

ken 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / Inspect обновлен Selahattin Akkaya 4 года назад 6

Is there an offline viewer available? Something that results can be reviewed?


Change marker size

dan brokstad 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 1

Ability to change the marker size to bigger when you click on the point cloud (Point Cloud Alignment). Often you click straight through the cloud then you select points.

See this two points, they are clicked very close and one is going thru the top surface on my cloud.
Of course I know the alt- buttom ;-)

Image 23


Representing size dimension in report window

Prasanna Sathyanarayanan 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен Rob Jensen 4 года назад 1

Most engineering carries specification for size mostly one time whatever the feature may be. There wont be specification separate for upper and lower size's . The fitted geometry would result in multiple size evaluations as specified by the size operator. It looks good if the size reporting carries max and min sizes in a bracket in the reporting window automatically as we are representing the nominal twice in the report window with positive and negative dimension. This could better be single nominal dimension with clear explanation of measured sizes represented as per the specification operator's.


Ability to define "paste with pattern" offsets by CAD selection

dave amstutz (djams) 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 0

Title pretty much says it all. I've got a CAD model right there in the CAD window. I'd like to be able to define pattern offsets by clicking on CAD geometry.


Having ability to choose the alignment in which values of assignments are given

jean-francois manlay (jefman) 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 0

For example, ASSIGN/V1=QUALTOOLDATA("XYZ", "MY_SPHERE") or ASSIGN/V2=PROBEDATA("vector") are given in STARTUP alignment whatever the actual alignment.

If I want to use them in a prog, I have to recall startup, then create a generic feature and recall the actual alignment...

It would be more simple in actual alignment !


Allow vision feature parameter changes during execution

Neil Ryan 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / Inspect обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 1

During execution of vision part program, if a feature fails, the user currently has the option of changing the vision parameters to ensure correct execution. These changes are not saved for future execution, just for the feature to complete in the current execution.

The question here would be: Should this option be available in Inspect as default? If yes, we would lose the control that the Inspect product has. If, No, then we lose a lot of flexability of current execution from Pcdmis

We may want to consider this as an option?


scanning irregular with a sheffield controled machine

trobison 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 1

To allow the scanning of any shape feature with a Sheffield machine and controler


More control over dimensions to export to QDAS

christianjunior1979 8 лет назад в Metrology Software / PC-DMIS обновлен neil kay 5 лет назад 1

I would to specify a subset of a large number of dimensions, and send ONLY this specified subset to QDAS for Statistical Analysis

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