Hexagon Measurement SystemsNo matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.
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Option to Delete items referenced by commands within the pop up notification
When deleting a feature in the edit window (e.g. an auto surface point), if that data point has a dimension associated with it, a pop up occurs asking "The following commands reference one or more items you are about to delete: xxxyyyzzz Are you sure you want to delete these commands?"
Add an option within that pop up, to delete the referenced commands "Yes or No", with a default answer allowed in the setup. This would eliminate having to go through the routine after deletion and find the dimension, alignment, variable, etc. to delete the referenced command as well as the feature just deleted.
This would also help to mitigate the later opening of routines that give the error upon opening "the following dimensions have no feature id".
Constructed circle tangent to 2 circles
Being able to make a constructed circle tangent to 2 circles by imposing the diameter would be useful. For the dimensions on gable pins with rounded teeth for example… This exists with tangent to 2 straight lines so why not 2 circles…
Place Scroll Bar at the bottom of Value Chart Individuals in Q-DAS O-QIS
This would allow to scroll farther back in time and see more than only the last 30 measurements.
In construct circle, need an auto cone to pierce an auto sphere and construct a circle where it pierces it
In construct circle, need an auto cone to pierce an auto sphere and construct a circle where it pierces it
Below shows the cone piercing the Sphericle radius to get the Ø18 (the Print is missing the diametrical symbol)
FBM (Feature Based Measurement) add as a Standard Module for PC-DMIS
FBM (Feature Based Measurement) should be added as a Standard Module. Currently this option is only available if your PC-DMIS license is programmed with the Feature Based Measurement module.
2022.1 Help file - Using Feature Based Measurement
The Feature Based Measurement (FBM) method is an optional feature in PC-DMIS. FBM functionality is only available if your PC-DMIS license is programmed with the Feature Based Measurement module.
FBM offers collision-free measurement of any dimension in a measurement routine.
Mini routines provide the user interface that enables you to execute a measurement routine that you create with the FBM method. Sub mini routines provide the facility to create the structure to measure tool-based, cell-based, and operation-based features from the measurement routine.
FBM is useful in situations where you want to do the following:
- Create a measurement routine for a complete, manufactured part and still be able to use the same measurement routine to measure the part, or a single feature, after each operation
- Quickly measure only selected features; for example, you may want to change tools on a fully-automated manufacturing line
- Run a partial measurement routine
For more information on FBM:
2022.1 Help file link
PC-DMIS User Forum link
Trace field dialog resize
When we use trace field for input general data about parts which we measure. Trace field dialog shows up on screen. Dialog can be resized only in left and right side, but it can't be resize for up-down?!. When we have a lot of trace fields we need to use scroll bar, and this is waste of time, and that is not very user friendly. Please make change and dialog that can be resized in both direction.
Schedule program
In inspect 5.1 we have been given the opportunity to schedule a calibration or Swift check. could it be possible to extend the "schedule" function so it becomes possible to schedule a specific program to run every hour, day, week or year.
see example:
Allow serial number for each pallet cell to be scanned on barcode
In Inspect, the serial numbers (or other trace) can be entered in the pallet screen prior to measurement.
It would be useful to have an option where the serial number for each cell could be scanned in using barcode, to make this process more efficient and less error prone
Filed on behalf of a customer.
Have the possibility to store the settings of Inspect on network
Inspect users with multiple CMM's - and who want to have the same settings (playlists, tracefields et cetera) on all the stations - are storing these settings locally on every station. This is time consuming every time they update the playlist and tracefields. Users need to update every station in this case and they loose a lot of time and make possibly erros.
It would be nice if Inspect users can store these settings on the network drive, so that you can change the playlists and tracefields from your offline station and then all your other Inspect stations are up-to-date.
Reporting Distance Improvement for Auto_slots
Add the ability to add/ subtract widths/ lengths when reporting distance where a feature is an auto -slot. Currently we can only report to the center of the slot unless a lot of hoops are added. It's almost as common in my experience for a slot to be located to the edge instead of the center. Auto-slots are faster to code but are limited in reporting capability.
Customer support service by UserEcho