Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

  • Your feedback and voting will benefit the majority of users.
  • You have 10 votes which you can allocate to your own or other users ideas.
  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

Thanks for your assistance in helping us shape the future.



oherrera hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 3

Add feature recognition option

dpaskevicius hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 7

It would be nice to have this option for faster programming.


Probe - CAD awarness

ChezTheCMMKid hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Allowing PCdmis to automatically include movepoints/clearplanes if it attempts to have a probe travel through a part. Sometimes on complex parts the alt-p probe path is too complicated to follow. Similar to CAD software that have similar collision simulations in assemblies. sort of like constraining a probe to complex probe limits


Saving and recalling paterns

jean-francois manlay (jefman) hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 5

I often use the same values in copy / paste with pattern.

It would be usefull to save different patterns, like parameter sets, and recall / execute them.


Probe Model Export Option

nrowland hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

It would be nice to have the ability to export a probe build into an IGES or STEP format so that I could load it into the CAD system. We have a need to create a drawing of the probe for documentation purposes and there is not an easy way to do this currently. Not everyone who wants this information has PC-DMIS where they can look at the probe build.


Add outlier filter on 3D features

jean-francois manlay (jefman) hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

It would be interseting to create filters in spheres, cones and cylinders like it exists in planes and circles.


Standard ISO 1011

Cerino hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por Rob Jensen hace 4 años 1

Update 2012 version instead the 2004 now used


Output MIN/MAX Evaluation to Stats

David Courtney hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

I would like to be able to output dimension min/max values to stats instead of the average. I don't know how it would work but it seems as though it would create two outputs for a single dimension and then maybe it would tag a min and max to the dimension labels.


Move Feature Dialogue

David Courtney hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 1

I would like a edit command/dialogue to move feature(s) XYZ values. Please create a dialogue with the option to select features from list or graphics window, input values to shift X, Y, Z, and rotation about an axis or feature. I want something that will allow me to move any feature nominal a given distance or rotate it a given angle. Take for example the paste with pattern function but it would function as an editing tool instead.


Angular distance command

Jon Wood (NinjaBadger) hace 8 años en Metrology Software / PC-DMIS actualizado por neil kay hace 5 años 0

Get the angle between two features.

Bit like the distance command.

- Select two features and it gives the angle between them (in the current workplane) with the origin as the centre point.

-Select three features and it gives the angle between the first two using the third as the centre point.

I see a lot of chains of angular dimensions,I spend a lot of time constructing lines from the centre to the bolt holes and evaluating the angle between the lines, makes the graphics cluttered as well.