Hexagon Measurement      Systems

No matter what Hexagon measurement equipment or software you use, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can improve.

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  • We will focus on trying to realize the top voted items in our future products.

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scan feature (when using scan feature) should also has "relative to" option like point/plan/circle

THAO HUYNH 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

user can use "relative to" option on scan feature to get reference location before touching off on real feature like point/plan/circle feature. "relative to" option is very useful on point/plan/circle feature. when I dealing with scan, it is very hard to touch correctly because variation on real part. I would love to use "relative to" on scan when it is available.


Alarm after probe change is initiated

jd johnson 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

Have PC-DMIS prompt what probe is loaded any time there is an alarm after the probe change is initiated. Many time it looses track of what probe it has and crashes into the probe change rack. This happens often if a probe oscillation error occurs after the probe change sequence has started.


PC-DMIS Community

Matteo Contro 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 4

It could be grat to create a community for PC DMIS users where anyone can share his own problems, questions, examples, passion, experience...

This could help users in every day small problems and increase abilities of anyone that uses this software, in both big or small working reality. 

The community can't take the place of the assistance service, but it may be helpful too.


Add a scanning strategy for spheres

Damian 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 3

Thickness colormap

Scott Staral @ WAFCO 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

Wall Thikness Colormap.jpg

The attached JPG depicts a nominal wall thickness of 7 +/- 1.   This particular customer doesn't care about anything within 70% of the nominal.  This is why +0.8 and -0.8 of the tolerance is in green.     Part of their spec requires a seperate wall thickness evaluation.

I believe that this color map was done with Polyworks.  I have tried to duplicate this using the new Thickness colormap, but can not achieve this same type of result.

The closest I get to this type of scale is using the compare to CAD, but then my resulting color map looks more like a point color map then a surface colormap.  

It would be great if PC DMIS could duplicate this type of color map.


Change the company logo at the bottom of the report.

Hiroto Katsuragawa 5 years ago in Metrology Software / TubeShaper updated by neil kay 5 years ago 2

Currently, we can change the company logo just upper page.


Digital zoom - Vision

Kyle Brummans 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

Similar to the digital zoom available on a camera - The ability to zoom the image.  For example If I am measuring a detail area say 160 microns in Diameter - It would be nice to see the full camera resolution utilized on screen and albeit the camera has a larger FOV - this would allow the user to 'zero' in on the details.


Add jump hole in all auto features during scanning.

Peter Yang 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 0

Best Practies short videos

Richard73 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 1

Make Feature outlines follow their shape on the cad like Polyworks

derrickc 5 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 4

In Polyworks, when you create a plane feature, the plane is represented by a gridded lines all across the defined surface, so that when you turn off the cad, you can still see these lines showing the shape of the feature, not just a tiny triangle or an outline showing just points. All features have this. In my example, you can clearly see the plane, cylinder and sphere are actually drawn on screen to look like what they are, and not just two circles connected by the axis or a two crossed circles like a gyroscope.

Image 337Features with Cad On

Image 338Features with Cad Off

This would be very helpful to visually  reference where you are when you need to turn the CAD off to program and is more intuitive than the minimal outlines we currently have.