

Sergio il y a 5 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par neil kay il y a 5 ans 9

Add a key in the calibration area where you can save and import a list of angles because every time you create a probe you have to start from zero.

Add a question ,how to use Favorites function in Probe Utilities dialogue box? what the common thought is to  choose the favorite probe kits from the Favorites list. but it doesn't look like this.

Favorite list is to be created by user by marking each item as favorite. Normally user will mark everything that he owns as favorite. This way the list offered for selection will be small. 

You can check out following video:


Following is the description in our help: If you have more questions, then send me email 

Probe description area

From this area, you can do the following:

  • Define the probe, extensions, and one or more tips that you can use in the measurement routine.
  • Create a list of your favorite probe components.
  • Add the probe and its components to the PC-DMIS shopping cart. You can then purchase the items from the Hexagon eStore or generate a purchase request.

You can right-click on a probe component to display these menu options:

Favorite - This item adds the component to your list of favorites. To add a component to the list, select the component, right-click, and then select Favorite. The check mark beside the menu item indicates that it is already in the list. To remove a component from the list, right-click on the added component and select Favorite.

Add to Cart - This item adds the component to the PC-DMIS shopping cart. This item is available only if the probe component has a Hexagon part number. This item is not available if the component has already been added to the cart.

Add All to Favorites - This items adds all the components of the selected probe file to your list of favorites.

Once you add the component to your list of favorites, the asterisk character (*) appears before the name of the component.

Add to Cart - To add a component to the cart, select the component and then click this icon. This icon is available only if the probe component has a Hexagon part number. This icon is not available if the component has already been added to the cart.

View/Edit Cart - This icon displays the number of components in the cart. Click the icon to open the PC-DMIS Shopping Cart dialog box. For information on this dialog box, see "Shopping Cart".

Favorites - This toggle icon displays either your list of favorites or the complete list of probe options. If you select this icon, the list displays only the favorites that are available at the connection point. If you do not select the icon, the list displays all of the probe options.

Hi Sudhanshu, 

Got it! Thank you very much. It is a very useful function .

Still it would be nice to save a partial probe build.  95% of the time I'd say the only thing being changed is the stylii.  Every thing from the TP 20 on up is the same in most cases.

Still would be nice to save used position angles :)

Sometimes we need angles. It would be nice to have a list.

Video is on Hexagon site. You can send me email at sudhasnshu.trivedi@hexagon.com and I will send it to you.