Multiple inputs in comment
I'd like to have an input comment with multiple fields.
Have a check box to activate (section off) the comment with an input field enter how many input field you want.
Currently we have to have a separate comment for Machine station and part serial number.
خدمة دعم العملاء من خلال UserEcho
In 2018 R2 this is automatically done for adjacent tracefield commands. Maybe that helps?
Why you don't use a form where you can have multiple input objects (like edit box, combo box, radio buttons,...)
I do use forms frequently for production routines that the machinist will choose fields from.
But for many of the routines used in our lab it might be a one or 2 pc inspection so it's not worth creating a form.
I suppose I could create a small generic form for this use but some of our techs aren't up on using the forms and assignments.