
Browse Button in the “New Measurement Routine” Dialog

Thomas Schopp 7 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by neil kay 5 years ago 3

It would be nice to have a browse Button in the “New Measurement Routine” Dialog to create a new Routine in a Subfolder from the “Default Measurement Routine Directory”.

A lot of customers have a Folder Structure depend on their Customers, for Example:

Measurement Routines

  • Volkswagen
  • Audi
  • BMW

Etc. Actual it’s not possible to create a new Routine in the right Folder directly. Each new Routine exists as file corpse in the “Default Measurement Routine Directory” after Save as in a Subfolder.

Workaround: Save a program template in each folder. Instead of using "New", you "Open" the template and do "Save as...".

But I agree, better handling of "New..." would be good. Program templates is one example that is already suggested here, I think.

This topic is related to PCD-24433. 


Will be available from the New routine creation capability in Home Page in 2020 R1.