Modification of the Protocol Header / Customer Request
We need more Variables ind the Header of the Protokoll.
The Customers need to insert.
1. Customer
2. Part
3. Controller
4. Tube Material
5. Bender
7. ...etc.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Holger -
The team is currently investigating this one: TUBE-10924: "Introduce more fields into the report header"
Thank you for the suggestion,
-The TubeShaper Team
I would like to add fields like "Designer", the person who worked on the part and perhaps "Instructions", since some parts require special attention or tools.
All this would of couse be accomplished with a "Comments" -section as well.
we have had a lot of feedback about this and so we will implement it as soon as we can. Here is our list of desired fields, but ideally, we think the user should be able to decide how they are named.
What do you think?
This topic has been implemented in v2 of TubeShaper - we hope you like it!