
Improve clearance cube functionality

David Courtney il y a 7 ans dans Metrology Software / PC-DMIS mis à jour par Neil Ryan il y a 11 mois 13

As is, I find clearance cube to be more hassle than it is worth in most situations that I encounter, but with some improvements it could be a valuable tool.  I definitely prefer to use clearance planes, avoidance moves, move points, etc. over clearance cube.  I understand it was created as a way to automate the programming process but it may be able to improve the manual programming process.

I've outlined some areas where I think this could be improved:

  1. Make clearance cube smart enough to be able to adjust the status for each feature if a clearance plane is not needed.  It is very time consuming to have to go in and click through all the menu items to adjust the active, start, and end status definition for each feature to get an efficient program.  This adds quite a bit of time to the process, especially if there are a lot of features to adjust.
  2. Make it easier and quicker to adjust settings on the fly.  Maybe a dock-able window that shows all the clearance cube settings for any specific feature that you can have visible at all times. 
  3. Add clearance cube settings to the auto feature dialogue.
  4. Make clearance cube settings editable within features in the edit window.


Also, add a setting to override the probe wrist head control. Example: The ability to rotate the probe head within the Clearance Cube when using move points and avoidances Moves.


Here is an example of the Multi Avoidance Move and Clearance Cube Definition.

This is just an example.

PC-DMIS User Forum: Feature that PCDMIS lacks, but could be useful.

that example looks wonderful.  +1

Here is another Example of a Clearance Move Before and after feature from PolyWorks.


+1 for adjustable before and after!

Add the ability to ignore certain CAD elements when setting the size of the Clear Cube.  (After suitable warnings and threats to the programmer. )

For example,  I use fixture plates and standoffs for nearly all of my measurement routines.  The current Clear Cube will not let me make the Clear Cube size any smaller than my fixture plate.   If I could tell PC DMIS to ignore the X and Y sides of the Fixture plate then my program can run faster because it doesn't have to make 12 inch clearance moves.

It's been sometime without any major improvements to ClearanceCube. Another way to Resize the ClearanceCub is to override the CAD. The CAD Equals Part will have to be set first. Then you can resize the ClearanceCub.

Number 4 is an absolute must. I always use clearance planes because of this.

I have always wondered why CC is active for things that don't actually move the CMM, constructed features-COP's. This would be a nice change also.

I can not stress enough how much I agree with this. PC-DMIS should have the ability to wrap the part in clear planes not just a cube. Make it fit the form of the part. 


Hello Everyone,

We have made changes in area of ClearanceCube and have addressed concerns expressed here.

1. ClearanceCube is offering “Use Tip vector”. This is great feature as the face of clearance cube will be decided based on vector of tip.

2. PC-DMIS now offers Avoidance moves for all auto features in direction of Tip Vector.

3. In PC-DMIS 2023.1 version we have added ClearanceCube settings window.

Image 544

    This window allows users to view and modify clearancecube settings. It will display the clearance cube settings for the feature on which cursor is placed in edit window. User can dock this window or can keep it floating and resize it as required. This window offer one click method of setting clearance cube face. In clearance Cube toolbar, show/hide clearancecube setting window ICON may be used to show/hide this. If you select multiple features or even all features, feature ID(s) combo box would display IDs of all selected features. You will be able to set clearance cube settings for all selected feature at the same time.

    4. Another command that is added to PC-DMIS 2023.1 is MOVESET command. Moveset is a set of move points. You can create move points to at the beginning of group measuring features on one side of part. Select all moves and then right click and select Convert to Moveset. This creates Moveset command in edit window. It has an ID just like a feature and clearance cube face can be set for it, if required. Moveset would be very useful when measuring features which are very deep in part or in cases where you need to position probe tip at a location that needs multiple moves to reach from clearance cube face.

    Image 545

      Hope you will find these developments useful. Please look out for PC-DMIS 2023.1 technical forum. We will have more information including videos for use of these commands.

      Sudhanshu Trivedi,

      Thank you for the information of the upcoming version of PC-DMIS 2023.1. Looking forward for the technical preview of this version.