average tp in report

Matt E vor 2 Jahren in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS aktualisiert von Guillermo vor 2 Jahren 5

we have a part where we measured the TP (true position) of 10 (or more) circular features...does anyone know if it can be done or how to output the "average" TP on the reports and excel files (not vector, just straight average of the TP out of tolerance values)?  

Why would you want the average TP? A maximum TP sounds more logical.

Anyway, here is what I do:

Make TP's with OUTPUT=NONE and extract the measured values to variables. If many dimensions, use arrays. Check the forum for examples.

That said, I think it would be very helpful if PCDMIS could report the maximum of all GD&T in one dimension  with one output. Per type of dimension of course.

I believe it is now only possible with Circularity but only when measured as a cylinder.

Thank you Wesley...the function of the part being measured is dependent on the average TP deviation from nominal of several features...which is ultimately what we need (ideally factoring in bonus as well).    Basically we need to take the average (in this case .23020+.035348....+.58683)/6...to get the average...or even better yet( .23020-.09847 +.035348 -.09839....+.58683-.07909)/6      Do you see this as possible still?

Image 565

I believe that if you check "SET" in the true position dialog instead of  features that that will get what you want.    (At least in versions prior to 2020R2)

This is possible with variables.

Contact me on the forum (https://www.pcdmisforum.com/member/26667-wes77) and I can help you.

This Idea Center is for ideas (hence the name). The Forum is for help.

Like Wesley says.  This is possible w/ using variables and then calculating the avareage and reporting it back as a comment or assigning it to a generic feature and using Dimension.  Using array for the dimension IDs if not the features would make it easier, of course.

I do question why the average of the TPs would be a functional pass/fail requirement.  Are you sure Matt this is not the position of a pattern instead?  And why would directionality of the deviation not play a role.