New point construction method: "high point"
dave amstutz (djams) 8 years ago
in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS
updated by Neil Ryan 1 year ago •
Finding the "high point" of a feature or scan is a very common measurement task.
In pc-dmis, this is a complex task, that requires an understanding of array indexing, and significant manual entry into a generic feature. It is prone to error, is very time consuming, and for users never exposed to a programming language it's a complete non-starter.
A simple, interface-based point construction method could be added to address these issues. The new method should be based on the DMIS method "CONST/EXTREM". It is very complete, and since pc-dmis imports DMIS code - it only makes sense to have a 1 to1 mapping of the DMIS definition.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We released the Constructed Extreme point to solve this problem a few versions ago.
PC-DMIS Help Center - 2022.2 (hexagonmi.com)