Under review

Estimate Execute Time from Offline

AbdullahATA 3 years ago in Metrology Software / PC-DMIS updated by Sudhanshu Trivedi 6 months ago 9

As a CMM programmer, I would like to know how long real measurement will last from offline programme. Part program already includes move speed, touch speed, etc all kind of info. So it should also give an estimated time before real execute. 


Thank you Abdullah for the requesting this.

An actual offline timer that can be fine tune for your specific preference would be a nice feature. Wait, everyone has been waiting for years for multiple print commands to work. And they are still waiting. Well at that rate of development, you might be retired before its release. That is if they even do develop it.

Here is the link to the pcdmis forums post.


Estimated Execute Time from Offline. By Abdullah

I hope they add it soon. It would be a great innovation for us.
Under review

Thank you for this request and comments. We are currently reviewing this request, though it is not planned for the 2022.2 or 2023.1 Release. We wil post our proposals here for feedback once ready, Thanks, Neil

Great for planing, hope PC-dims team will add it

Since it's already under review I use cast a vote on this one and will use it for another topic.

If it wasn't under review this would definetely would have my vote,

in addition, it would be good to have a virtual Jogbox solid model. By increasing the speed from the jogbox, a much more approximate time can be estimated.

Hello Everyone, 

We have now implemented this request. 

PC-DMIS 2024.2 version is now offering calculations of Execution time without moving machine!!

You can estimate the execution time using a computer connected to a CMM or an offline computer used to create measurement routines.

To estimate execution time:

  1. Calibrate the Execution Time parameters for your machine or use a parameter file from another machine to estimate the execution time on that machine.
  2. Create a measurement routine.
  3. Use the command to estimate the execution time.

You can try this today!!

Please sign up for Technical Review to download and try it yourself :
https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/pc-dmis-technical-preview/f/pc-dmis-2024-2-technical-preview" href="https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/pc-dmis-technical-preview/f/pc-dmis-2024-2-technical-preview" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" title="https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/pc-dmis-technical-preview/f/pc-dmis-2024-2-technical-preview">https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/pc-dmis-technical-preview/f/pc-dmis-2024-2-technical-preview

Once on Nextus web site, please navigate to :

This will give you detailed information as well as show you video of how to make it work. 

Let me know how it works for you? Hope you would like this and it would help you in your work!!.